Children's Discovery Museum

The 'Little Bang Discovery Club' is a 4-week hands-on science program designed for preschool children.

It builds children’s (and teacher’s) confidence in scientific inquiry and foundational science skills.

Carmen Spears has been trained by the Children's Discovery Museum to provide the Little Bang Discovery Club.

Sorting objects in Session One

Sorting objects in Session One

Another way of sorting the objects

Another way of sorting the objects

What teachers are saying…

“This program has built the teachers confidence in implementing science experiences in the classroom. The children have become more aware of ways science is all around us and that testing and trying is how we learn. Our children really enjoyed the hands on aspect of the experience. I would be happy to recommend this program.”


How it works…

  • The Little Bang Discovery Club is a 4 session program, typically run once a week over 4 weeks.

  • Each session is 60 minutes long and can accommodate up to 30 children.

  • Everyday objects and experiences are used to allow children to see science in the world around them.

  • Children get to learn, practice and build their foundational science skills over the duration of the program.

  • Suggested activity handouts are provided to teachers each week to keep the science discovery happening between sessions.

  • Session 1: sorting and classifying,

  • Session 2: measuring,

  • Session 3: predicting and testing,

  • Session 4: experimenting.

  • more details on each session below.

Extra perks…

  • 4 hours Professional Development is available for teaching staff who attend all 4 sessions. A certificate will be provided.

  • You also receive the ‘Little Bang Book of Discovery’ from the Children’s Discovery Museum. The book is full of preschool science activities demonstrated with beautiful coloured photographs.


Click here to visit the Children's Discovery Museum website.



Young children are already great scientists without even knowing it.

little bang logo image.jpg

Created by the Children’s Discovery Museum in NSW, this fun-filled, hands-on science program combines everyday objects and experiences with genuine scientific enquiry methods that children will thoroughly enjoy. The program runs over 4 weeks, allowing the children to learn, practice and build their foundational science skills each session. 

Suitable for Preschool 3 to 5 year olds, and Primary School Foundation students.

The LBDC program has been enthusiastically received in libraries for the past 5 years and now comes to pre-schools, day care, community centres and primary schools. 

The 4-week course is divided into the following sessions:

Session 1: Collecting and Classifying

Being a junior discoverer takes some special skills. In this first session you will learn how to sort and match objects from around the home and from the ‘Discovery Box’. Each child gets their own discovery box to use and explore in each session.

Session 2: Measuring

In this session we will learn all about weighing and measuring – one of the first and most important skills of early discoverers. Learn about balance and measure weight using a see-saw, and a coat hanger.

Session 3: Predicting and Testing

Today we will ask lots of questions and design our own experiments to find the answers. We put our measuring, observation and recording skills to the test.

Session 4: Experimenting

In our final session the children will take part in their very own science fair. Enjoy more experimenting with table-top science activities and finally there is a graduation ceremony where each child will receive a certificate.



Click here to visit the Children's Discovery Museum website.

Adam Selinger (Executive Director of the Children's Discovery Museum) and Carmen Spears, presenting the Little Bang Discovery Club at the Education Changemakers conference in Melbourne.

Adam Selinger (Executive Director of the Children's Discovery Museum) and Carmen Spears, presenting the Little Bang Discovery Club at the Education Changemakers conference in Melbourne.